(鼓励雇用少数民族成员、妇女等的)反歧视行动,积极措施 Affirmative action is the policy of giving jobs and other opportunities to members of groups such as racial minorities or women who might not otherwise have them.
They, together with 36 universities and 7 nonprofitable organizations, formed a forum that set forth an action plan essentially designed to help colleges circumvent court-imposed restrictions on affirmative action. 他们和36所大学以及7家非赢利机构一起组成了一个论坛,该论坛宣布了一项主要为帮助大学逃避法庭对平等权利法案强加的限制的行动计划。
On Monday the court released a decision on education policy for minorities. But, the high court chose not to give a final ruling on the policy known as affirmative action. 周一,最高法院对涉及少数族裔教育政策一案作出判决,但回避了对众所周知的平权法案作出最终裁定。
"All the newspapers say affirmative action is done," says a veteran counselor at a large New York City high school. “所有的报纸都说平权措施要过时了,”来自一所规模较大的纽约市中学的一位资深顾问说道。
Last month, the church floated the idea that affirmative action could be used to ordain underrepresented female bishops. 上月,教会提出了一个观点,即可以采取积极行动,任命未被充分代表的女性为主教。
The US later tries to airlift a few victims out of the ghetto through affirmative action, but by then the damage is done. 虽然后来美国试图通过平权法案从贫民区里救出少数牺牲品,但到了那时伤害已经铸就。
Reflections on Race: Affirmative Action Policies Influencing Higher Education in France and the United States 关于种族的思考:影响法国和美国高等教育的提携政策
There's also the affirmative action stigma. 防止种族歧视的积极行动还是有污点的。
This affirmative action has helped Wang get ahead and made her a more than willing proselytiser. 这种扶持政策帮助王宏获得了成功,也让她的工作热情比积极的传教士还要高。
We could even have affirmative action for the ugly. 我们甚至可以向丑陋人群实行平权法案。
And you call the affirmative action office. 你可以给空中警察打电话。
Mr Abdullah has sought to ease some affirmative action provisions in response to those concerns. 针对这些担心,阿卜杜拉曾试图放宽扶弱政策(AffirmativeAction)中的一些规定。
Racial identification can stem from other sources, such as heightened ethnic pride or the opportunity to benefit from affirmative action and other programs. 种族身份的认定也取决于其他原因,如民族自豪感增强,或可从肯定性行动计划或其他项目中获益。
The Evolvement of the Affirmative Action Policy& The Analysis Based on the Framework of the Supportive Liaison 美国肯定性行动的政策变迁&基于支持联盟框架的分析
The issue of the death penalty is highly controversial; Rushdie's controversial book; a controversial decision on affirmative action. 死刑的问题是很有争议的;卢思黛的有争议的书;在赞助行动上有争议的决定。
The affirmative action in the US and the higher education for the ethnic minorities 美国的平权措施与少数民族的高等教育
Affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in1978in the Bakke decision. 赞助性行动颇有争议。
In spite of affirmative action programmes that reserve a proportion of official posts for minority groups, all government and military positions with any real power are held by Han Chinese. 虽然政府实行为少数民族保留一定比例职位的平权行动计划,但所有拥有实权的政府及军队职位,全都掌握在汉人手里。
They oppose affirmative action programs and stronger hate crime laws. 他们反对积极的行动纲领以及更有力的惩治攻击性犯罪法。
Phelps Dodge is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. 菲尔普斯道奇&一位机会均等、极行动的雇主。
And so things like affirmative action, things such as how should university treat its workers, how should university treat its surrounding community, state, the nation. 比如反歧视性政策,比如工人们在大学的待遇,比如大学如何处理它和,周边社区,洲和国家的关系。
Vienna Affirmative Action Plan 维也纳积极行动计划
Addresses key societal issues such as racial stereotyping, media racism, affirmative action issues, the glass ceiling, the "model minority" syndrome, and anti-Asian harassment or violence. 主要讨论的关键性社会议题有:种族刻板印象、媒体的种族歧视、平权计划、「玻璃天花板」现象、「模范少数族群」症候群、以及反亚裔的骚扰或暴力事件。
According to the book Affirmative Action for the Rich published by Century Foundation, alumni preferences provide an admissions advantage to the children of alumni. 世纪基金会出版新书《给富人的平权行动》,书中发现,偏好录取自己校友的孩子。
Voters in Michigan responded by approving a2006 ballot measure that banned affirmative action. 对此,密歇根州的选民以赞成一个2006年的取缔平权措施的法案做为回应。
As lawsuits similar to Hopwood spring up in other states, it is now almost certain that the Supreme Court will soon have to reconsider affirmative action. 由于类似于霍普伍德一案的诉讼在其他州不断涌现,现在几乎可以肯定,最高法院将不得不很快地对倾斜政策予以重新考虑。
Malaysia has followed a similar strategy in eroding the NEP by creating special economic zones that exclude affirmative action rules, including for manufacturing, information technology and financial services. 马来西亚遵循了类似策略来削弱新经济政策,建立了不实行“扶弱政策”规定的经济特区,包括制造业、信息技术业和金融服务业经济特区。
But he also says he supports affirmative action, his website includes no plans to scale it back and his allies would howl if he did. 但他也说他支持」平权措施」,他的个人网站中也并没有减少」平权措施」的计划,如果他做出这种计划,他的同盟们将会狂呼乱喊。
Affirmative action requests employers providing preferential treatment to minorities or women in specific situation. 积极行动则要求雇主在特定条件下,向少数族群或妇女提供优惠待遇。
According to this research, equality and justice are the core ideas of "Affirmative Action". 本文认为,平等和正义是平权法案始终追求的价值核心。
Affirmative action encourages and promotes diversity characterized by the current globalization and social development. 积极行动鼓励并促进多样性,这是符合当前全球化背景和社会发展需要的。
a policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities
affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in 1978 in the Bakke decision